3 Tips to Maintaining Your Workout Routine on the Road

When it comes to packing for a trip - whether it’s across the country or across the world - there’s one thing I always toss into my carry-on: resistance bands. 

Yes - I’m serious. You will find resistance bands tucked in with my swimsuits, clothes and other travel essentials. 

While I love the adventure of traveling, I try my best to keep the same (or at least a similar) schedule to my day-to-day at home. Why? It makes jumping back into my post-vacation routine that much easier. The struggle of trying to get back into your daily rhythm after being on the road is very real! 

But, I’ll admit that working out while I’m traveling doesn’t always look the same as when I’m at home. Sometimes it means taking a longer walk around the block, a bike ride on the coastline, a hike or going to try a new class. My goal: get in daily movement to boost my mood and keep my body feeling good (even after over-indulging in a platter of tacos or a couple of beers on the beach).


If you’re looking to find ways to incorporate more movement into your travel itinerary for an upcoming trip, here are my top 3 tips: 

  • Make a Plan in Advance: Take a moment to do some research on where you’re going and what your schedule may look like while you’re there. While I don’t have every day of vacation planned out from sunset to sundown, I may have a general idea of where we’re going or what we’re planning to do that day. The key for me is finding ways to incorporate movement into every day that I’m traveling. 

Not sure where to start when planning for your trip? Here are a handful of ways I hit my daily movement quota:

    • If your hotel has a gym, squeeze in a great workout with just a set of dumbbells, a bench and a couple of resistance bands 

    • No gym? No problem. There are plenty of bodyweight movements that you can do literally anywhere - by the pool, in your hotel room, etc. 

    • Walk to the nearby coffee shop (or restaurant) instead of grabbing an Uber/driving. 

    • Do some ab roll-outs with your suitcase

    • Grab a friend and try a new work-out style or studio. Non-sponsored plug: I like to use Classpass as a way to find new studios while I’m traveling! 

  • Carve Out a Scheduled Time: This one is for those who may find themselves on the road for work more often than not. Let’s say you’re headed to a conference - or any event that has a relatively pre-set schedule. I’d suggest two things: 

    • Mark off the time on your calendar before you arrive to get in your workout and stick to it. When you set aside the time for yourself from the get-go, it makes it easier to stick to it versus trying to find the time when you’re in the middle of the conference. 

    • Knock it out in the morning. This could mean setting your alarm just a little bit earlier to hit the hotel gym. After a full-day of presentations or meetings, there’s a good chance you’ll feel a lot less motivated to get in some exercise.

Pro Tip: Don’t use your phone alarm. It’s way too easy to snooze - trust me. Call down the night before and set-up a concierge wake-up call. This will help get you up and moving!

  • Cut Yourself Some Slack: Don’t be too hard on yourself while you’re out of routine and on-the-go. Celebrate the small wins - like taking the stairs versus the elevator or stretching before bed. 

Life is all about finding the balance that works well for you and your body! I always make sure to include a “do nothing day” when I’m traveling, keeping my agenda clear. If you need to just lay by the pool or on the beach all day, do it. A couple of ways I love to relax and recharge include:

Use the time to get in tune with your body and your mind - taking stock of how you’re feeling. You could try incorporating a restorative yoga flow or some mobility exercises to help your body relax. You can always jump right back into your normal routine when you head home!


Traveling is something that I love to do - and I encourage everyone to find a way to take a vacation (near or far) every once in a while. While it’s my time to relax and explore, I do try my best to make the transition back into my weekly routine as easy as possible for myself. This is why I make incorporation of movement a priority while I’m on the road. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that you didn’t get in-shape in one day or one week; you’re not going to lose that progress in the same amount of time. You should have fun and enjoy time away! How often do we all get to travel? Enjoy it.