I didn’t always feel good about myself.

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The toxic internal chatter inside my head left me with a constant feeling of not being good enough (and wondering if I’d ever be good enough).

This eventually led me to unhealthy eating habits, body image issues, and even binge drinking—eventually forced out of my collegiate track scholarship (yeah, that sucked)

I had attached so much of my identity to being an athlete that losing this label left me feeling even more lost and awful about myself. 

But I’d always loved movement, and eventually discovered how it could play a more positively powerful role in my life.

Instead of being the cause of unhealthy thoughts and habits, movement became the gateway to healing myself—inside and out. 

To stop comparing myself to what I saw on the Internet. 

To stop listening to what other people said about me. 

To stop beating myself up inside my own head.

To feel like the fucking fantastic badass I am.

(pssst. you are too!)


It fueled a passion for me to help other women, like you, learn how to approach movement + wellness + mindset in a way that can transform how we show up for ourselves (yep, I’m talking life-changing kind of shifts!).

After getting fully certified in all sorts of things that allow me to teach a well-rounded approach to fitness + gaining experience training clients in a gym I co-owned, I began training virtually and developed my own programs to impact more people around the globe.

And that brings me to today.


My passion is here. With you. Sharing fitness education, food, funnies, and real-life struggles that endlessly unite us in our humanness. Because if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that we’re all in this together.

Welcome. You belong here.

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My Specialties

(Cause I believe in a well-rounded approach to fitness)

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My Values & Beliefs


Every body is different

What works for one person, may not work for another. It’s why we will be most successful with movement when we start with what we enjoy. And what we enjoy can and will evolve over time with what our body needs. The more we listen to our body, the easier it is to show up for ourselves.



Ditch the strict

The whole goal of living a healthy lifestyle is to do it forever, not 30 days or just for bathing suit season. And the harder we are on ourselves and the more rigid we are with our approach to movement and nutrition, the less sustainable it will be. The best diet is the one we never need to get off of. The best workout is the one that feels fun. There is no good versus bad or black and white, let’s live in the gray. Let’s look inward for the answers on what feels good and works for us to find flexibility and freedom in this intuition.



Curiosity encouraged

Questions are always welcome. Because when we truly understand the concepts, approaches, and toolbox, we can adjust them to work for us and our unique bodies and lifestyle. You know your body better than anyone else, so get curious—explore what you like and don’t like. Don’t be afraid to try something different. Learn a new skill. Play a new sport. Try new foods. Life is all about exploration.



You are not your body

We are so much more than our physical bodies. In fact, the best parts of each of us are the ones we can’t see. People don’t notice things like your arm flab when you wave—rather, they notice how excited you are to see them, or how you made them feel after spending time with you. Yet we dedicate so much of our energy to ridding ourselves of that pesky arm flab or getting back to the amazing six-pack we once had (which, by the way, hate to break it to you, but no one remembers that either). But if we instead put this energy into feeling good on the inside, transformation on the outside will happen naturally.



The power of community

Everything's better together. Think about your best moments in life—I’d bet good money that they include other people. Even the most solo of sports still have a team of people cheering you on. Community support is often the most important part of our journey—it’s the motivation at the beginning, the accountability keeping us going, and the celebration of our milestones and accomplishments. So let’s not do it alone. Let’s do it together.


The fun stuff

  • I’m both a beach bum + lover of hiking in the mountains (who says you have to choose?!)

  • My favorite food is ice cream (though if you’ve already perused my website you probably picked up on this obsession…)

  • My husband, Teddy, is my photographer / how-to video model partner (hands-off ladies and gents, he’s taken!)

  • I love talking about taboo topics (helllloo camel toe, hard nips, and pelvic floor health!)

  • I love to do high jumps, like really, really high (and I’ll be the first one to say yes to jumping off things, too.)

  • I’m a travel junkie (this woman definitely ain’t a homebody!)

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Ready for a no-bullshit approach to movement + mindset?

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