the fitness program for badass women

My new fitness app: Broads helps women feel confident in their body and take up space.

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Can you relate to any of these?

  • Sick of not seeing results from all your hard efforts?

  • Struggle to create a consistent daily habit?

  • Ready to ditch the negative chatter in your head?

  • Want to master resistance training once and for all?

Sup. I’ve got something for you.


Broads: Fitness with attitude

Monthly Group Programming and 1:1 options available.

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Who’s behind this app anyhow?

Well hey there! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Tara. And I’m pumped you’re here.

I love swimming with fish in the ocean, lifting heavy shit, blowing up taboo topics, and oh yeah—I can leap like hella high (it’s super fun and I’d love to teach you how if you’re down).

But what really matters is that I’m a woman who, maybe like you, has struggled with unhealthy eating, body image issues, and lots of negative internal banter (why isn’t there a mute button for this yet?).

It wasn’t always easy, but I’ve learned to love treating myself and my body right and I’d love to teach you how to as well (oh yeah, I have a few certifications to help with this… personal training, yoga, mobility, olympic weight-lifting, yada yada).

I can’t wait to help you feel like a badass mofo too.





Testimonials 〰️

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Ready for a no-bullshit approach to movement + mindset?