
join the mom-approved TL Method
for a free week

fill in the form below for directions to create your account



The TL Method has the efficiency and accountability of personal training in a virtual space. You get six new workouts per week, warm-ups, cool downs, yoga, and mobility work; and a coach to hold you to it.

You get access to the TL Team portal where you will get new workouts Monday - Saturday every single week. You will have access to new (and past) workouts, plus warmup and cool downs specific to the workout of the day and full follow-along mobility and yoga videos.

The whole program uses very minimal equipment so that you can do it in a small space at home or in your gym of choice. Everyday, I will show you demonstrations and detailed descriptions of the exercises so that you feel comfortable doing them with great technique and form on your own. I wanted to make this accessible and affordable for everyone, so it’s less than $2 a day at $39/month. But for a short time, you get access to a free week to try it out!

Give it a try and join up with the TL Team!

  • You will never get bored with new workouts all the time

  • Mitigate injury with mobility days

  • Always feel ready for your workout with warmup and cool downs

  • You don't have to be in a gym all day, all workouts around or under 60 minutes

  • Every workout you can do with minimal equipment and space

  • Yoga flows can be done at any time in the program that are long-form follow along

  • Support from people all over the world here to help inspire and motivate you



More Member Results

The TL Method works! Some of the Team showing-off how their bodies have changed.