Land Your First Pull-up

Get your beautiful body over the bar and feel like a badass.

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    After doing this four-week program, I’m closer than I have ever been to getting my first pull-up. I have a little bit to go, but I’m feeling more confident than ever!

    -Jamie O.

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    I’ll never be able to do it.

    Well, with that mindset, of course not!

    We have to change what’s in-between those ears first. If you don’t think you can, you won’t. We have to believe in the possibility and then put in the work.

    Are you wondering if this is the thing that is going to get you your very first pull-up? Well you are in the right place!


    Here’s how it works:

    1. Follow my self-guided pull-up program where I teach you all the ins and outs of pull-ups, how to perform one, and a four week program to get you there. 

    2. Put it into practice and take video along the way.

    3. Afterward, you’ll get your first pull-up or at the least get you way closer than you were before you started!

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      Meet Tara L.

      (the TL behind TL Strength)

      Hey superwoman!

      I created TL Strength for women like you because I want you to experience the same kind of confidence I feel. Not just confidence in the weight room, but also how that confidence translates into every other area of life. 

      It transformed how I show up in relationships, how I walk into a room, how I feel on the beach, my vibe in an important meeting, how tall I literally walk (that’s right, I went from 5’6.6” to 5’7”). EVERYTHING.

      Strength training was my gateway to transforming the rest of my health and my life—in all the best ways possible.

      That’s why I got certified in personal training, olympic weight lifting, and kettlebells along with mobility and yoga. And now I want to share all my insider knowledge with you in my TL Strength program, so you can experience the same life-changing shifts I have.

      Sound lofty?

      I believe it 100%. Let me show you.




      • Yes you can! Typically, I would suggest you do this after your warmup, on a different day than your workouts, or just at a different part of the day. The last thing you want to be is tired before you go into some of these exercises.

      • My Strength Training Simplified is the perfect program to pair with this. I teach you all of the main compound lifts, give you a ton of knowledge on strength training, and give you a program to follow.

      • I would always consult your physical therapist, doctor, or physician if you are worried about a current injury.

      • Description text goes hereI would highly recommend doing a warmup of at least your upper body, but you can get my warm-ups for free here.

      • After many years of using this approach, I have come to realize that while they are giving people the momentary ability to perform a pull-up, they often failed to help actually gain the strength to perform the movement on their own. If you are constantly using something else as a guide, you’ll always rely on it.

        Think about it like this: the most challenging part of a pull-up is the initial pull, which requires scapula retraction and depression. Band tension is highest at the bottom of the movement, so the initial snap of the band causes you to bypass the most important part of the pull-up. Athletes who continue to use the band will never learn how to fully activate the muscles needed for a strict pull-up and, in turn, will never build true strength. I personally would rather you have your feet (or one foot) on a step or bench as a support instead!

      • Access to a pull-up bar, bench, and some assorted weights.